These notes are based off The Horned Women from Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs (1892). This is another story that would fit in with my storybook Again, this isn't super scary or unsettling, but it's "strange" I also think I could add in a story that's more on the goofy side, so it's still weird, but also a bit funny! So, a rich lady is staying up at night I would make this a teen girl (or maybe a couple of stereotypical teens) Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, calling out for the woman to open up! I don't know why you would answer this lol Maybe in my story (modern teens would never), the teen can be tricked into opening the door The witch with one Horn enters I guess the lady of the house thinks that other women set it up for her Now they work on carding wool ( I think this is getting wool ready to use) Maybe I could make them prepare charm bracelets or something 2000's Soon enough, there's a second knock at the door This time, i...