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Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

 Okay, I cannot believe that I haven't used the canvas app before! I really didn't even know they had an app. You think that would be something that OU or the education college would have us set up during orientation. I've been using an "online" version of Canvas, but I just have the page saved on my homescreen. So it would open a new internet browser tab on my phone. 

I installed the app with no issues. I like how the pages are set-up. They have the grade showing on the home page, which I wish they did on the website. It also shows my inbox, which is honestly something I usually ignore. At first, I was worried that they took away the "What-if" score feature, but I found it and figured out how to use it. That's the feature of canvas that I use the most, so I'm glad it's still on the app! 

I'll probably use the Canvas app the same way that I use it on the web browser! I'll use it for checking my grades and paying attention to what assignments I have coming up. Of course, I learned about this on my final semester! Maybe my future teaching high school will use Canvas and I'll already be familiar with app! 

Image Info:

Canvas Logo

Found on: William Floyd School District Website


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