These notes are from The Wicked Husband from Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by Richard Edward Dennett (1898).
- This is such a short story, but I think that I could write an interesting version of this little tale
- Maybe a microfiction or just a story with a low word count. I like that a lot happens in such a short amount of time.
- The couple is getting into an argument! It seems to be a silly argument-- It's over the amount of palm-nuts.
- It's hard for me to understand the dialogue--but the man is forcing the wife to go with him into the woods (for palm-nuts).
- This is where is gets violent, so I'm going to quickly summarize without a lot of detail
- He kills his wife!
- Over a petty argument
- I thought that this story might be okay with the husband killing his wife
- Like she disobeyed, so it was okay.
- BUT no:) The husband is punished for his crime
- He is burned on a fire, while the smoke is used to dry his wife's body
- So I don't really want to write this story
- But I wanted to think about a cool way to add to it
- What if the wife dies before other people find out about what happened
- She can either haunt the husband (and make him crazy) or drive the townsfolk to discover her/ what happened to her!
- That way it would fit into my portfolio (strange things in a strange town)
- I would keep the petty argument, but make it more modern (of course)
- The story is about murder, but I would probably make it a bit longer (it's only 400 words)
- I can work on making it spooky
- The wife is hard headed and the husband is a sneaky jerk.
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Creepy Ghost
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