- My portfolio is about creepy things happening in a creepy town
- I think that this story would work nicely in my portfolio!
- I like the urban legend feel that this story has. It has 2 or 3 incidents that happen to different people in different situations.
- It's one man telling these stories, but I could change it to multiple people telling stories around a campfire, or at night before bed.
- This story centers around a fetish named Boio (the human representative is a princess)
- He dwells in the earth, and calls to people for offerings
- Voice of a bird
- The first story:
- A woman is gathering sticks when she hears a bird singing
- She rudely tells it to be quiet
- Some invisible force ties her hands behind her back, she is kept there until her husband comes to find her
- He knows about Boio. The wife didn't know that the bird was Boio
- They go to the princess with a peace offering and the woman is set free
- The second story:
- 2 men are carrying a hammock pole
- Some other men see these men, and mock them
- The men are bound, much like the woman in the first story
- The hammock was carrying Boio in the hammock (but they were invisible)
- The men can only be free after a hefty fine is paid to the princess
- The third story:
- Short
- Girls that think their future husbands (arranged marriage) are ugly are imprisoned by the fetish
- Other, shorter story:
- Town goes to dance for the fetish
- If they dance badly, they are punished
- A white man does not believe, until he is told to give presents to the fetish
- They disappear, and then he believes
- Only ones that can see the fetish are the men that carry food to him
- I think I could write an invisible spirit that plays tricks on everyone!
- I would make up new stories (maybe a bit more horrifying)
- People would be going around, telling their stories, trying to outdo each other.
- Maybe the spirit shows up! To punish those that don't believe in him!
Image Information:
Shoebill bird (a bird that can be found in the Congo)
Hans Hillewaert
Found on: Wikipedia
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