Topic #1: Greek Myth and Various Greek Things
I know that this topic is very broad, but I figured it would be better to have it all under one category since I have so many ideas! I've always loved Greek Myth and stories, but I've never had a chance to read or research much about them. Right now, I'm very interested in Hades and Persephone story. I've seen a lot of pomegranate symbolism lately, and I want to understand backstory. I know the basics, that Hades kidnapped Persephone, but that's about it. Maybe it would be cool to turn Hades into some kind of hero instead of a villain, or put the myth into a modern YA story? I really liked this Hades storybook and I've read a bit of Persephone's wiki page. I also like other greek myths, gods, and goddesses, so maybe I could do a collection of stories/retellings.
Topic #2: Fairy Tales
This is an obvious choice for me, since I've grown up on Disney movies and fairy tales. Rumpelstiltskin and the Little Mermaid were my favorites, but I've also read a couple other of the Brothers Grimm stories. I think I would like researching and reading more fairy tales. Even though the audience is young children, they have this creepy, horror element that I find interesting. However, I don't have an idea about what to do with these stories or how to rewrite them. I'm interested in fairy tales from other countries like this book from Japan, so maybe I could do an "around the world" storybook.
Topic #3: Sea Monsters
I think the Loch Ness Monster (technically a lake monster? lol) is so cool! I've always been fascinated by sea creatures and myths because I think they could actually be real. Call me crazy, but the ocean is so dark, mysterious, and unexplored that there could be so much hiding down there! Big fish and octopus are already kind of creepy looking to begin with. On the wiki page for sea monster, they even have a section on washed up "sea monster" carcasses (kinda cool!). My first idea is to create some kind of young heroine that sets out to find a bunch of mythical sea creatures. Maybe her mother was this amazing sailor, and discovered some of these creatures. When the mother tried to tell her stories, everyone doubted her/ made her seem crazy. So the daughter sets out to prove that her mother was telling the truth! That would be a fun story to tell I think.
Topic #4: Beowulf?? (Music Idea?)
I have this idea to write a collection of stories based on a song, music video, or album. Maybe it would be cool to use beowulf stories/moments and connect them to songs. I'm picturing a strange blend of modern pop songs and medieval setting/characters. I don't really know how that would work, but it sounds fun to work on. I'm choosing Beowulf because I'm already very familiar with the text, and I enjoy reading it! I like the fighting, drama, and hero stuff. I don't have much to say about this one, because it's a faint idea at this point. Also, the Un-Textbook for this story is a different version than the one I've read before. I've read a poem version, so I think I would enjoy another take on the story that I'm familiar with.
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Midnight Sun Book Cover
By: Roger Hagadone & Dave Caplan
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