These notes are from Sindbad: First Voyage that is part of The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang.
- I'm taking these notes because this is an idea that I had for one of my storybook project stories.
- I wanted my main character to rest on a "island" that was really a sea monster.
- This is exactly what happens to Sindbad, so I want to see how he deals with it.
- Since my character will also be a sailor, I think this story will be helpful for my writing.
- Sindbad is rich, and he uses his money at first solely for pleasure (he wastes it!)
- Anyway, eventually he gets tired of this and ends up on a ship, ready to experience life.
- He arrives at the island, a green meadow, along with the rest of the crew
- It's very low--it only barely comes out of the water.
- The crew starts to relax. Build a fire, etc
- The island starts to quake!
- The island is really a whale! The whale was asleep but comes back to life
- It seems like the whale isn't vicious or trying to eat anyone. It was just a resting whale
- That's interesting and I might consider that in my project. Maybe not every creature is out to get Sammy
- Anyway, the whale goes underwater--and some men make it to the ship
- How does Sindbad make it out?
- He clings to a piece of wood lol
- Not very actiony
- He just gets lucky
- In my story, the main character will have to be quick and daring to make it out alive
- Sindbad survives and stumbles onto another island.
- He runs into a high ranking person, and goes off to see the island.
- So far, I think Sammy will be more of a baddie than this guy, but it's cool to get some ideas on how to write a sailor and sailing adventures!
Image Information:
Sindbad the Sailor
Milo Winter
Found on: Wikipedia
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