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Extra Credit Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part B

 These notes are based off The Iliad: The Ransoming of Hector, retold by Alfred J. Church 

  • I am so over Achilles at this point
    • I really don't know why he's even considered a hero
    • He's arrogant, rude, and cruel
  • Justice for Hector!
    • He's already dead, so why is Achilles trying to dishonor his body?
    • He's dragging it around daily...why????
  • At least Zeus is mad about it! He needs to get Achilles in trouble 
  • He's crying over his friend--but other people died too!
  • So King Priam is Hector's dad. He's upset (obviously) 
  • Zeus is on his side though
  • Priam has to PAY to get Hector's body back
    • That's messed up.
    • He takes so many things with him
    • All his riches and items
  • Zeus lets him pass through the gates without being seen
    • So the Gods seem to have liked Hector and Priam, even though he died 
  • Priam runs into Myrmidon-- he fought with Achilles and saw Hector often
  • The body of Hector is in perfect shape-even after being dragged around by Achilles
    • That must be another sign from the gods that they love Hector (or favor him I guess)
  • Priam is lead to Achilles
  • Hector is clearly the better character here
      • If I were to rewrite this story, Hector would come back from the dead and haunt Achilles. 
      • It's a very Macbeth thing to do.
      • Or I could kill off Achilles-- that would also be fun

Image Information:
Farewell of Hector to Andromaque 
Carl Friedrich Deckler 
Found on: Wikidata


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