These notes are over "The magic of the Book: Hermann Hesse on Why we Read and Always Will" by Maria Popova
- Author is talking about how reading an old book and writing poetry reconnected her with her own childhood memories.
- The thrill of reading can be lost when we get older.
- I think this is in part because of the education system and the way they deal with reading
- Author reads "The magic of the Book" by Hermann Hesse:
- Among the many worlds that man did not receive as a gift from nature but created out of his own mind, the world of books is the greatest… Without the word, without the writing of books, there is no history, there is no concept of humanity. And if anyone wants to try to enclose in a small space, in a single house or a single room, the history of the human spirit and to make it his own, he can only do this in the form of a collection of books. (From Hesse)
- Other quotes other popular book sayings--what do books do for the human experience?
- Apparently, Virginia Woolf wrote against the cinema
- Hesse argues the opposite, books are unique, no matter what they do something differently for humans
- Books will always been needed and respected.
- The author also says something like, if no more book were written, we could still enjoy books that have been written over the last hundreds of years. I kinda agree with the sentiment, however, one of the best things about book is that they reflect ourselves. There are current issues that need to be read about and discussed. A teen needs to see other 2020 teens that deal with social media issues or police brutality.
- Of course I relate to this article! I'm an ELA education major, so I clearly love to read! I just hope that I can inspire my students to find the same love of literature.
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